Here’s a mini-documentary of our screening Q & A at Dances with Films 2014.
Tag Archives | dogs
Moms of Human Babies Stage Counter Protest
June 4, 2014 (HOLLYWOOD) As busy crowds moved through the Chinese Theatres at Hollywood and Highland yesterday afternoon, they were caught in the middle of two opposing protests—both of which were very emotionally charged. On one side were the moms of “furbabies,” holding their tiny dogs in Baby Bjorns. On the other side, were moms of “real” babies who were caught in the impassioned verbal crossfire as they too dangled helpless and innocent in the baby carriers (which proved very helpful for both sides, as they allowed the use of both hands for picket signs and obscene gestures).
Fueling the fire for the furbaby moms were Pope Francis’ recent comments that couples should raise children, not dogs and cats. An article in Time seemed to sum it up the best: “In other words, all the effort you spend caring for your furry friends would be of better use if Fido or Fifi were children.”
The Pope’s stance that dogs and cats are not to be treated as babies got those who do just that all in a tizzy. And the fact that his statement gave their opposition fuel in this heated debate was noticeably upsetting to the fur baby moms.
“The Pope is behind us!” yelled one protester.
Abby Harmon, who seemed to be the leader of the furbaby protesters, made a bold statement in response to Pope Francis. “Last night the Pope made a statement and I am highly offended, as a dog mommy of a furbaby of my own, that he would say that dogs don’t have as much rights as babies. It is ridiculous.”
Her dog, a yorkie named Laila, seemed to take it all in stride as she hung on her “mommy” in a contraption designed to be used for human babies.
The moms of “real” babies (a term the furbaby moms seemed to find highly offensive) claimed that human babies are the real babies, shouting “my baby is my baby!” and making a clear distinction between the two types of offspring shouting things like “I feed my baby with my breasts, how do you feed yours?!”
The moms of human babies also claimed that it was harmful to the dogs and just plain wrong to push dogs in strollers and make homemade organic gluten-free baby food for them. And some experts have said that many couples use their pets as a way to avoid their relationship problems.
But the parents of pets may have a point. Just like with married couples with kids facing divorce, they have to endure long drawn-out custody battles for their beloved furbabies. They are also fearful of their little ones being kidnapped—just like their human parent counterparts—as pets being kidnapped and held for ransom is fast becoming a new crime trend.
Regardless of which side may be right or wrong, it was clear that all of these mommies cared about their “babies” and that they all had nothing better to do on a Tuesday afternoon.
Those who live in the Los Angeles area and would like to learn more about the “furbaby” phenomenon are invited to a screening of the film Gone Doggy Gone at 5 p.m. this Friday at the Chinese 6 Theatres at Hollywood and Highland. Tickets can be purchased here.
DAY 3- Stunts, Dogs, Car shots = TIME
The one thing every indie filmmaker wishes they had more of is TIME. You hear it over and over. But when you’re new at it, you don’t have any reference for what that means.
Brandon and I are first-time directors and when people warned, “Don’t do that, it’s gonna be really haaaaard”, we did what most first-time directors do and thought, sure it’s gonna be hard, but I love hard! Hard is what I live for. If it’s not hard I don’t even wanna do it! And that’s how we came to Day 3.
Lesson 1: Don’t do stunts with your leads the first week of production. Why? Because for the rest of the shoot, make-up has to cover up your lead actress’s bruises so she doesn’t look like a rotten banana. And even with make-up it’s not pretty and will limit the takes you can use in editing. Even worse, a sprained ankle, or a broken bone could put you out of commission permanently. Dumb.
Luckily for us, the stunt portion of our day went swimmingly (despite the bruises), but took up way more time than we anticipated even though we had rehearsals the week before. This left little time for every other scene we scheduled on this close to 7 page day. We thought if we busted ass it would work out, but we also had a dog on set this day like almost every day. A dog IN the stunts. Yeah, I said it.
Lesson 2: Dogs. Avoid them. If you’re the writer as well as the director like we are, you have no one to blame but yourself. And although the doggy star of our film was my own dog (whom I had the luxury of training on my own time) like children, they have a very wide margin for error and take more… time.
They also like breaks, and snacks, they’re easily distracted, they take a long time to go poop, and even if it’s your own dog, the Humane Society shows up to protect the interests of your dog. More time and patience required. Which brings me to a very important point.

Laila and her “stunt double”
INDIE FILMMAKERS TAKE NOTE: The Humane Society no longer offers it’s services for free through SAG-AFTRA. They now (since January 01, 2014) charge $500/day for union and $1,200/day for non-union whenever you have an animal on set. Read about it here Humane Society Rates 2014 . Had that been the case when we shot GDG, we never would have been able to shoot it at all on our budget. If you’re poor and writing an indie film, start scratching out that animal role now.
So, we’ve survived the stunts and the dog, the sun is going down and we still have two scenes (1 1/8 pages, 4 actors including the directors)…in the car. There’s a couple challenges there, but we’ll stick to the car and talk about having directors as lead actors another day.
Lesson 3: Shooting dialogue in cars when you have no money for fancy stuff like process trailers and awesome camera mounts (complete with the CHP you need to maneuver the streets of LA legally) is asinine. Our good friend and fellow indie filmmaker Denis Hennelly, warned us about this early on in the screenwriting stage of production. He had some great advice. Any time you can write the actors getting out of the car and talking on the side of the road, or anywhere else, but in that car, DO IT. Why?
There are only so many seats in the car. If you have 4 actors, or 3 actors, there’s room for a sound guy (maybe if he’s tiny), or a director, the camera guy has to be there, so who is doing the 3rd and or 4th actor’s lines that you kicked out of the car? Someone has to drive and act at the same time. You can see the problem here, right? Bad sound, Bad direction, Bad acting, Compromised safety??? Take your pick. For the next 17 days we got schooled.
Having been through a day like that, I can honestly say I am much wiser for it. From now on when I write a script I will pause before I write a stunt, a dog, a child, or a car scene. I’ll politely remind myself of Day 3 and write for the budget I am working with, so that more time can be spent producing quality. And maybe someday I will be lucky enough to have one of these!
Day 2 – The Bar and Kent’s Apartment

Garrett O’Brien (DP), Brandon Walter & Kasi Brown set up for a shot with actors Shaina Vorspan and Will Mulligan.
Continuing with the theme of location scouting – the bar was found using the same divide and conquer technique
- find a location close to your other locations to keep you on schedule
- make sure it fits your script
- make sure that it opens later in the day.
- make sure they have parking for the truck and street parking for crew cars.
- BEG them to allow you to shoot there.
If you cannot afford to ‘shut the place down,’ as we could not, then start shooting at 5am if they open to the public at 12pm.
On this particular day things didn’t quite go as planned however. Our first day cruised by ahead of schedule and on time. Our second day started with a big fat monkey wrench thrown in it as our location rep, aka bartender, over slept. Luckily the owner was able to rouse him when he didn’t answer our phone calls. Five hours later and its a wrap as the bar was opening to the public and we had another location to shoot that day #ambitious #indiefilmmaking! As with all days on a limited budget, the schedule is always the hardest to overcome. But all in all – shooting out four locations in two days was nothing to shake a fist at!
Thank you again Nate for letting us shoot at your place! Luckily our cat sized dog #dogsizedcat didn’t tear up the place in a war of ultimate cuteness! Can’t wait to hear more beat-boxing from our actor @J_Hendricks20 check him out – especially at 1:38 when the beatboxing begins!
Day 1 – the Offices
Producing an indie feature is never an easy feat. As is often the case, stretching the dollar as far as it can go can be the most difficult aspect. In the studio world, a script is given to the production department and they go line by line in the budget filling in all the blanks with dollars allotted for every item from producer gifts to location reps, and arrive at a budget number. But in the indie world its called reverse budgeting – where you start with a budget number and work backwards – filling in the blanks according to what you can get for free, and what you actually have to pay for – oh the whoas of #lowbudgetfilmmaking!
It goes without saying we could not afford a location rep, or even a full days’ rental of a bar, or an office space, or even a full second camera package! But #wherethereisawill! Day one of our schedule started at an office in Van Nuys and ended at another in North Hollywood. Luckily the second location had already been found by one of our directors @KasiABrown – an oxygen tank refill office no less #brilliant so we had the one location left to find… within a 10 minute drive… with adequate parking for our truck, crew, and a bus full of cast… and who would accept less than $100/ hour. So the hunt began. We tried looking online, or posting an ad on Craigslist #freaks #desperate, or calling around, so finally I just starting driving around. I was on the hunt for run-down commercial areas and properties with dirty windows, or run down offices that looked like the place hadn’t been touched in months. After assembling this list, I arranged meetings with the managers to view the properties and eventually found a location. The final location? *drumroll* – a property rental company’s main offices! It was perfect! It had all the props, the mise en scene, a separate room for hair/ make-up, and the space for our scenes to unfold.
Also I should note that we had an excellent Day One thanks to our wonderful crew and cast that kept the creativity flowing and our energy as high as Colorado Girl Scouts.
Production Begins Today!
Today is our first day of shooting our feature film. It’s been a long journey and we are very excited to begin. We’ve assembled a great crew and awesome cast. We’re going to be shooting some office scenes today with Mark Teich We decided to start the week with days that we are not acting in so we can just be directors and get used to it.
Pictured below are Kasi and Charles (1st AD).
Casting for Gone Doggy Gone in Full Swing
Remember how the character of Becky Connor on Roseanne was played by Lecy Goranson and then inexplicably replaced by Sarah Chalke without so much as a mention. Remember how that made you feel? Well, we’re not going to do that to you. Here at Gone Doggy Gone, we are going to tell you what happened to the cast that originally was to play three of our lead characters, so you can understand why they are on the Indiegogo video we produced back in September of 2012, but not appearing in our movie. Allison Summers who was to play Jill moved to Atlanta to pursue a different career and became unavailable to us. Kim Kenny (Kat) also got another job that conflicted with the amount of days we would need her and Matt Lowe (Dan) moved on to pursue other interests in the time that lapsed in acquiring our funding. While we are sad to see our friends in comedy go, we understand that this is the nature of independent film. People come and go when funding isn’t in place for a lengthy duration.
We are now auditioning actors to fill those roles as well as day players. It has been awesome witnessing all of the talent there is out there and we look forward to working with some amazing actors.
The Inspiration behind ‘Gone Doggy Gone’
People often ask us what the inspiration is behind our film, Gone Doggy Gone. Well, let me tell you. I had a dog walker named Jill who considered Laila to be one of her best friends. She would come and pick her up and then at the end of the day would report that she had smuggled her into the grocery store, taken her to the movies, to visit her friends and even to her waxing appointments. She also began to return Laila later and later, because she was having so much fun with her. And I began to worry. One day, I expressed this concern to Brandon and he said, “What if Jill just kept your dog”?… I really considered that and so did he and an idea was born. What if… someone kidnapped your dog?
The Inspiration for ‘Gone Doggy Gone’ from Buzzworm on Vimeo.